Brett Borden

Elected Experience
Treasurer, Libertarian Party of Washington

Other Professional Experience
Brett has experience as a local business owner, bookkeeper, and bookseller. He currently works in manufacturing.

Social Studies program, Eastern Washington University

Community Service
American Civil Liberties Union of Washington, past member of the Pullman Chamber of Commerce and Sons of Norway Sol-Land Lodge #2-086 (Kennewick). Past business supporter of events for Palouse Pride, Pullman Civic Theatre, Community Action Center of Whitman, and KRFP Radio Free Moscow.


As a liberty-loving citizen of southeastern Washington, I demand a state government that keeps its hands off the freedoms we cherish. All citizens have a natural right to be left alone and make their own choices as adults.

I pledge to stand firmly on the side of the People against government overreach in all forms. My legislative priorities include criminal justice reform and ensuring small business owners and farmers get a fair shake. I also support electoral reforms so our elected leaders better represent the will of voters. Please join me in pursuit of a free and just Washington!

Brett Borden
Brett Borden

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