James R. Beaver

I have resided in Kennewick since 1972, where my family and I owned and managed Beaver’s Furniture for 37 years.  I attended schools in the Kennewick School District - eventually going to Pullman, where I graduated as a “Coug” with a degree in economics.  I have a wife and 2 adult children. I am a grandpa of 4 granddaughters.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the friends, neighbors, and community for helping me with my dream of “building a better community”.  My goal as a Benton County Commissioner is and has always been to search for ways to improve our County.
I look forward to continuing as your commissioner, and want to thank you for your support.


Reported raised $1,719 from 2+ unique donors. ($1,719 in cash, $0 in kind)

Click the triangle to see more details and links to financial disclosure reports.

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